The Good Lie

October 20, 20158:30pm

Based on a true story, three orphans flee war-torn Sudan and make the appalling journey to a Kenyan refugee centre. Jump ahead 13 years and Mamere, Jeremiah and Paul gain entry to the US. Enter Reese Witherspoon to play the brisk charity worker who helps them find employment and understand Western society. Happily this is no white-saviour story, so put aside recollections of Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side and imagine something much more authentic. This is the story of three refugees told with genuine warmth, some irony while all the time maintaining a sober dramatic core.

Witherspoon chips in robustly as and when she can, but it gradually dawns on you that the biggest helping hand she’s given the film was simply getting it made.’ The Telegraph.


Film Information
Release year: 2014
Running time:   110 mins
Directed by: Philippe Falardeau
Language: English
Country: Kenya, USA
Genre: Drama
Starring: Reese Witherspoon,
Arnold Oceng,
Ger Duany
More info:

Rotten Tomatoes
WFC Audience Score:  90%

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