Talking About Trees

October 13, 20218:30pm
Post-screening Q&A with film critic Danny Leigh

Once, they were acclaimed film directors; today they are virtually forgotten. Four members of the Sudanese Film Group decide that if the government will no longer let them make films, then at least they will try to show them. That means finding a venue, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles, and attracting a contemporary audience – all documented with humour and warmth on whatever devices come to hand.

“Some of the best talk, and some of the most dedicated collaborations, and some of the warmest friendships that I’ve seen in a movie in quite a while.” Richard Brody, The New Yorker

“A quiet and contemplative look at artists forced to face the reality that their work can no longer exist where they live.” Jordan Mintzer, Hollywood Reporter


Film Information
Release year: 2019
Running time:   93 mins
Directed by: Suhaib Gasmelbari
Language: Arabic, English, Russian
Country: Sudan
Genre: Documentary
Starring: Manar Al Hilo,
Suleiman Ibrahim,
Altayeb Mahdi
Awards: Berlinale Documentary & Audience awards
More info:

Rotten Tomatoes
WFC Audience Score:  68%

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