Cave of the Yellow Dog

May 31, 20078:30pm

This docu-drama from Byambasuren Davaa follows on from the resounding success of her Oscar-nominated Story of the Weeping Camel (2003). If you loved that you’ll love this. The film tells of a Mongolian nomadic herding family, the Batchuluuns, living a traditional life as modernity encroaches. Nansel the eldest daughter brings home a stray dog. The father wants to send it away because of the danger of attracting wolves and harm to the livestock. Nansel has other ideas – will a young girls bond with a stray puppy in the Mongolian wilderness endanger the family herd?

We probably know the answer, but the story line serves another purpose as a vehicle for capturing a disappearing way of life fascinating in its difference and values. The Mongolian-born, German-trained directors grandmother was a nomadic herder, and Davaa’s affinity with the nomadic people allows her to dispel self-consciousness among the cast who play themselves in this narrative documentary. Its a simple story beautifully told against the wind-swept vastness of the Mongolian plains.

Breath-taking visuals and low-key charm. Tim Knight, If the story seems whisper-thin (think Kes with a happy ending), then the devil is in the background detail. Mark Kermode, The Observer

Returning to the same blend of fiction and nonfiction that struck a chord with audiences of Camel, Davaa has made a sweetly meditative film that follows a young nomad couple and their three children through their daily lives The dog is cute but he’s no camel when it comes to performing. Kevin Crust, LA Times.

Film Information
Release year: 2005
Running time:   93 mins
Directed by: Byambasuren Davaa
Language: Mongolian (English subtitles)
Country: Germany, Mongolia
Genre: Documentary
Starring: Urjindorj Batchuluun,
Butandulam Batchuluun,
Nansel Batchuluum
Awards: German Film Awards Outstanding Children or Youth Film,
Hamptons International Film Festival Golden Starfish Award

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